Sunday, July 15, 2012

It's Been Too Long...

I know... I have REALLY sucked at blogging lately. I really have no excuse. I went back to work after being off for over 8 months because my car accident, and the last thing I want to do when I get home is blog. Not because I don't enjoy it -- mostly because I don't have the mental capacity to think of anything to write about after working for 8 hours, making dinner, and cleaning up. 

Today, Jordan and I, along with the rest of the family, made a last minute trip down to Aunt Lori's house to bring some of her old furniture up for my brother-in-law who recently moved into a new house just down the road from me. It also happened to be her husband, Jeff's, birthday, so she had a little party for him, too!

Happy 55th Birthday, Uncle Jeff! 

We had BBQ pork sandwiches, BBQ ham sandwiches, meatball sandwiches, steamed clams, potato salad, chips and salsa, etc. And for dessert, Aunt Lori made a home made coconut cake, oreo cupcakes, and had ice cream from the Penn State creamy to go along with the cake. Everything was amazing and I practiced absolutely no self control. 

She also had an "anniversary pie" for Pap and Grandma's 55th wedding anniversary. Pap and Grandma's anniversary is actually in June, but this was the first time the majority of the family has been able to get together to celebrate.

Pap, Eve, and Grandma blowing out the candles on the 55th Wedding Anniversary Strawberry Pie!

Anyway, it was a looooong day for me. It was hot and humid out, I definitely over ate, and sitting next to a talkative 3-year-old for a 2 hour car ride is exhausting. Eventually Eve tired herself out, too!

Sleeping Beauty :)

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