Monday, July 16, 2012


So, I think I have kind of an obsession problem. I go through spurts with things (food, TV, clothing, etc.) and can't get enough of a particular thing for weeks at a time. For example, during strawberry season, I went through an oatmeal obsession and ate oatmeal with fresh strawberries everyday for over four weeks.

Here are my most recent obsessions:

1. Bunheads. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this show! I'm actually watching it as I am blogging. If you haven't watched it, catch up with it online. It was created by Amy Sherman-Palladino, who created Gilmore Girls. Anyone who knows me knows that I can't get enough Gilmore Girls. I'm still going through withdrawal and the show has been cancelled for years. Sutton Foster is an amazing actress, singer, and dancer and she is even a Tony award winner. Okay, seriously... GO WATCH IT! NOW NOW NOW! New episodes every Monday at 9pm :)

2. Brussel sprouts. A couple of weeks ago, my boss brought me lunch and there were brussel sprouts involved. As of today, I have had brussel sprouts for at least one meal for the past four days. 

2. Claussen dill pickles. I have one dill pickle spear every day when I get home from work to hold me over until I am done making supper. Can't just be any dill pickle -- MUST be Claussen, "never heated," dill pickles.

3. Starbucks Pike Place roast K-cups. I actually don't like Pike Place roast brewed from Starbucks, or even when I brew it in a normal coffee pot at home, but I LOVE the K-cups. I think that when it's brewed normally, it's a little stronger than I like my coffee, but since I don't think normal K-cups are strong enough, the Pike Place K-cups are perfect. 

4. My Smith+Nephew Bone Healing System. It is a low frequency ultrasound machine that I strap to my leg with the hopes of my Tibia actually healing. The theory behind it is that the low frequency ultrasound increases blood flow to the area, blood flow promotes bone healing, and (hopefully) heals my stubborn Tibia. I have to do it at least once a day, preferably two, for 20 minutes. It's a $4,000 machine -- THANK GOD for health insurance. 

5. My "heatwave orange" broken in straight fit khakis from the Gap. I change into them when I get home from work several times a week. Jordan made some comment about me wearing the pants three or four days in one week. I am considering getting a second pair, but it's hard to think of another color to get when I already have the best color the pants came in. LOVE them, and even though they are orange, they go with a lot of colors. It's weird that I own orange pants because for the most part, the only colors I wear are white, black, navy, and gray; but all those colors look cute with the orange. Hah!


  1. Okay I loooooved Gilmore girls and cried when it ended...I'm gonna go watch bunheads tonight! And I'm so jealous you can find claussen pickles...I can't find them in Denver! And they are totally the best!

  2. Bunheads just isn't as fabulous as the Gilmore Girls but I continue to watch it because they use so many of the same actors- Emily, Mitchum Huntsberger, Gypsy- you never know who's gonna pop up next in Paradise,CA :).

    And try sauteeing your halved brussel sprouts in olive oil and garlic and sprinkle some Parmesan cheese on top- YUM!

    Miss you! Come visit!


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