Monday, April 2, 2012

Attempt at Garden (Part 1)

As I mentioned in an earlier post, Jordan decided he wanted to attempt a garden this year. Well, we started it about a week and a half ago and last week we planted some yellow onion sets and Detroit red beets.

Yellow onion sets.

While Jordan and I were out there, we had a few nosy visitors, too.

"Whatcha lookin' at?"

The steer aka beef aka dinner.

It was pretty cold most of last week and really gross and rainy this past weekend so we weren't able to put anything else in until today. We planted about a dozen Buttercrunch lettuce, a dozen Great Lakes lettuce, and a dozen heads of cabbage.

Buttercrunch babies.

Lots of salad for us this summer!

Jordan had to do a lot of the work himself because I can't get down on my knees yet. It's still pretty hard for me to get up off the ground, let alone soft dirt. I also have incisions on both my knees from where the surgeon put rods in my legs and the incisions are still really tender. Convenient for me, huh? Poor Jordan, though!

Jordan busting his butt for me :)

We also planted about 60 or 70 onion plants and we have about 60 or 70 more to plant. I'll post pictures once they are all in. Hopefully our garden is a success so I can write about a positive experience instead of us being failures.

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