Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Bonnie Holdren's Banana Nut Bread

A few years ago, Grandma gave me a cook book called Pleasures from the Good Earth from the Sugar Valley United Methodist Charge. Jordan's great-grandmother went to that church and she has several recipes in the book that were submitted in her memory. It's a really good cook book because it has a lot of old, tried-and-true Sugar Valley recipes.

One of my favorite recipes in the book is the banana nut bread from Bonnie Holdren. I have never met Bonnie Holdren, but I know she lives on a big farm just outside of Loganton. I've tried several banana nut bread recipes that have buttermilk, cinnamon, etc. in it, but I always come back to this simple and basic one.

I had a few bananas that were riper than I like for eating, so I let them sit on my counter a few days longer and decided I'd make some banana bread since Jordan loves it so much.

Bonnie Holdren's Banana Nut Bread

1/2 cup Crisco
1 cup sugar
2 eggs
1 tsp. soda
1/4 tsp. salt
1 tsp. vanilla
3 large bananas (mashed)
1/2 cup chopped nuts (I use walnuts)

Directions without Pictures
Cream Crisco, sugar and eggs together. Add flour, soda, salt and vanilla. Add bananas and nuts last. Grease loaf pan and bake at 350 degrees for one hour.

Directions with Pictures
Cream Crisco, sugar and eggs together.

While the mixer is going, I mash the bananas and get the walnuts chopped up.

Once the bananas and walnuts are prepared, everything in the mixer should be creamed together.

Then, add the flour, soda, salt and vanilla.

And mix it up.

Add bananas and nuts last.

Grease a loaf pan (or 3 small ones if you're sharing!) and bake at 350 degrees for one hour. I think my oven runs a little hotter, so I only had mine in for 50 minutes.

After waiting a very long 50 minutes, the banana bread is finally done!

Now it's time to make a pot of coffee and have a mid-morning snack. Jordan better hope there's some left when he gets home from work this afternoon :)

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