Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Wedding Rehearsal Fun

Ahhh! Jordan and I are FINALLY married! We've been together for nearly 8 years, so it was about time. If you ask Jordan, he'll tell you I was the one who wasn't ready to take the plunge any sooner - and that's true :) 

Here's a little recap of the wedding rehearsal and the rehearsal dinner in pictures!

Me and Mommy getting ready to head to the chapel.

Clearly, I am not paying attention.

Everyone looks bored!

My lovelies :)

Beautiful cake pops courtesy of Aunt Lori and her talented friends.

Jordan and the boys... and Eve, haha.

Randy, me, Nikki, and Dean - such good friends! They came out in November after the accident and this Spring too!

Izzy, Jeremy, and me.

Izzy, Jerred, Jeremy, and Ella enthralled by the cake pops.

Attempting to get a cute shot.

Sister love!

Mommy, Celine, me, and Daddy :)

Jerred and Aidan ready to party!

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