Monday, May 21, 2012

Back to Reality

It's back to reality for me in only TWO WEEKS! 

Last Thursday, I had a post-op appointment at my surgeon's office and he gave me the OK to go back to work in two weeks. I'm feeling pretty melancholy about it, but it will be good for me to get back in to a normal routine. And frankly, if I got the whole summer off, I probably wouldn't want to go back to work EVER. I guess being on disability for seven months does that to a person!

They also took the bandages off and took all the stitches out. Thank goodness, because I was about ready to just take the bandages off myself. It was so itchy under all the gauze and stuff!

The incision to repair my tibia. Cut across the original incision and up a little bit, vertically.

It looks nasty, but Dr. Shutt and his nurse said it looked great. Don't mind my hairy and scaly skin -- so gross!!!  I also have an incision at my hip where Dr. Shutt took a piece of my pelvis out in order to do the bone graft. Since it is in a "fleshier" spot, his nurse put some little strips across it so that it didn't separate after the stitches were out. I guess so that I wouldn't have an even nastier scar?

I have one more little incision under my knee because Dr. Schutt took one of the screws out so that the rod in my lower leg wasn't as fixed and wiggled a little. Slight movements and vibrations in bones promote bone growth and having it fixed to a rod made it pretty static.

I've been trying to walk around as much as possible to strengthen my legs and get my stamina back for work, and I'm feeling pretty sore. On the plus side, Jordan's grandma said that it looks like I'm walking better and than my limp is going away -- WOO! I have two more weeks to get my leg conditioned for work, so fingers crossed I'll be ready!

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