Monday, May 21, 2012

Crazy Sunday

Man, what a Sunday Jordan and I had! 

We thought it was going to be a pretty low-key Sunday and we were planning to get some stuff done around the yard and in the garden, but sooo much more happened. The end result is a dead horse in our yard. I'm not kidding! There is LITERALLY a dead horse behind the red shed in our yard.

At about 1 in the afternoon, Jordan and I went outside to get started. As usual, it was mostly Jordan doing the work and me "helping." He took the weed-eater and trimmed around the house and edged the flower beds. Then, we went to the garden and it needed to be weeded in a bad way. We had a few rainy days followed by warm, sunny days and the weeds in the garden just exploded. Most of the stuff we originally planted is looking good, but we had to re-plant our red beet seeds because they didn't germinate. Jordan and I also decided to plant row of spinach while we were out there. Then, we figured out where we were going to put the tomato plants and all the pepper plants, cleaned it up, and put down the garden fabric.

My onion sets are getting bigger!

Row of lettuce and the new garden fabric where the peppers will go.

Great Lakes lettuce.

Butter crunch lettuce.

Two different kinds of cabbage, but I forgot the names!

Here is the first blog post about our garden if you want to compare the pictures and see how big our veggies have gotten!

Two hours into working in the garden, Pap came down on his John Deere Gator and told Jordan that his dad needed him to bring another hay wagon up to the field where he was baling. So naturally, I wanted to go for a ride and I hopped on the Gator as well so I could see what was going on up in the fields. Jordan brought up the empty hay wagon and then took the hay wagon that had been filled back down to our house so that he could back it up into the red shed until they were ready to unload it. 

Pap and I stayed up in the field and watched Jeff finish baling the last of the hay, and as we were on our way back down to the farm, Jordan called Pap on his cell phone and yelled "GET DOWN HERE NOW!!!" We had no idea what was going on, but Pap went flying down to our house and when we got closer, I realized that Jordan was holding on to a horse. The horse had a saddle and bridle on, and part of a bit in her mouth still. 

When we finally got to Jordan, I noticed that the horse was in bad shape. There was clearly something wrong with her left shoulder and front leg. There was a little blood on her, she wasn't putting weight on her left hoof and it was just kind of dangling limp. Jordan was on the phone with the police and with the SPCA trying to figure out what happened and where the horse came from when her owners drove up. The owners are our neighbors and they live on the other end of the road from us. I refused to take pictures of the horse because 1) it wasn't my horse and 2) it was in so much pain and it was kind of gruesome so I didn't think it would be right to do that. 

Here's the story about what happened from our neighbor, Joyce, who was riding the horse. Joyce said she was riding her horse through the main road in Tylersville when something drove by her and startled the horse. The horse whipped around and bucked her off. The horse ran off, and apparently must have been hit by a truck. Some of the people that live along the main road in Tylersville helped Joyce up and helped her find the horse which had turned off and came down our road. They tied up the horse to a bush until Joyce could get home and get her husband to figure out what to do with the horse. By the time Jordan got down, the horse got loose and was in the middle of the yard. The most horrible part of this story is that whoever was in the truck that hit the horse didn't even stop!!! What kind of person wouldn't stop?!? 

Unfortunately, they had to put the horse down because it was in such bad shape and there is nothing you can really do for a horse with a broken leg. Since the horse could barely walk and they wouldn't be able to get her up into a trailer, they had to put her down in our yard and cover her with a tarp until they could get someone to pick up the horse today. Thankfully, our neighbor seems to be OK, but she was going to the ER just to make sure because she landed on her hip and had scratches and scrapes on her arms and face.

Here's the proof that there's a dead horse in the yard. Thank GOD they had a tarp to cover it.

RIP horsey.

So that's how our quiet Sunday ended with a dead horse in our yard. Ooooh, the joys of living in the country. Although I'm pretty sure that his is a bizarre story for country people, too.


  1. I'm not gonna lie I felt tears welling up knowing that some ass in a truck wouldn't even stop.

  2. Felt bad for the horse. It was literally dripping wet with sweat from running in pain for so long.


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