Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Easter Egg Bust

Okay so this week I was supposed to get together with my good friend, Stephanie, and her adorable baby Penelope to make peanut butter and coconut eggs for Easter. BUT, bad scheduling and unforeseen drama on my end kind of made it hard to get together. Steph ended up making the eggs yesterday with her husband's gram and I went over to her place this afternoon to get them covered in chocolate.

I'd post the recipe except it would be cheating since I didn't actually make them myself... but here's a picture of what they look like. Such a tease, huh? 

If you didn't notice, we like sprinkles!!! Stephanie told me today that her husband's grandma mentioned making another kind of candy egg with cream cheese in it. Hopefully after Easter we can actually get together and try to make that kind, too! Not like I need any more eggs, but who can say no to cream cheese?


  1. These were good. Trying to stay away from them so they last more than 2 days.

  2. You can post the recipes. All of our peanut butter eggs are gone!


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