Friday, April 6, 2012

Missing LA

Woke up this morning and started browsing through Facebook on my phone. Saw all the fun things friends from home did last night and my heart started to ache a little. I haven't been home since last October for my bridal shower and that was just for a long weekend. 

I miss my family and my friends like crazy. Don't get my wrong... I LOVE Jordan's family and I would have never made the decision to move here if I didn't have a special relationship with them. But, my life would be a lot easier if my family and friends from home moved here too! There's a little more than an acre here -- I could build a compound and hold them all hostage :)

Daddy, moi, Mom and Celine at my Uncle's wedding at The Reef in Long Beach, CA. Pretty sure this was the summer I got mono because I'm looking pretty rough. (Happy, Celine?)

My loves Nikki, Lynn, and Tisha at Encore in Las Vegas, NV for Tisha's 21st birthday.

Visiting one of my best friends, Meredith, in Baltimore, MD. We live way closer to each other now that I've moved to PA and we see each other less! Adulthood gets in the way :(

Things I'm missing about LA besides my friends and family (Although I think I probably enjoyed these things because of the good company I had when I went!):

1. A good margarita. And I don't want to hear that margs from Mad Mex are good from anyone in PA because they are NASTY. I wouldn't even want to give a Mad Mex margarita to my worst enemy.

2. Sushi by the beach. Particularly Casa Arigato on Catalina Ave. in Redondo Beach.

3. Yogurtland. There's a wannabe here called Kiwi Yogurt, but it's not the same.

4. Lululemon stores. Lululemon should totally open a store up in State College. Those Penn State girls would eat that stuff up like crazy and then I could buy some new yoga pants.

5. Good cell phone service. I live in the country, don't judge.

A couple of things on my to-do list the next time I finally get to go home (Hopefully soon if I don't need more surgery!):

1. Eat at Bottega Louie. My good friend, Dean, bought me some macarons from there last fall and they were glorious. Next time I'm home, I want to have brunch there and load up on macarons! 

2. Visit the Sprinkles Cupcakes ATM machine. I'm more of a fan of the SusieCakes cupcakes, but who wouldn't want a cupcake via ATM machine at 1 in the morning? 

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