Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The Verdict

The verdict is in -- I am going to have more surgery on my tibia on May 1st.

Notice the lack of plans for the rest of the month since I'll be recuperating... again.

That's only two days after our wedding, but I'd rather get it over with so I can get back to work sooner and also because my parents will still be in town. I have a CT scan scheduled for this Thursday to get a more accurate reading of my bone so that my surgeon, Dr. Schutt, can finalize his game plan for my surgery. Dr. Schutt is the BEST orthopedic/trauma surgeon ever and he has the best surgical staff too. Seriously, if you live in Central PA and have a broken bone, go see Dr. Schutt. He's nice, young, and kind of a child genius -- like Doogie Howser status, but waaaaay cuter.

Dr. Corey Shutt

I know it seems like crappy news that I have to have more surgery, but in reality, it could have been A LOT worse. Jordan was kind of telling me to prepare for the worst news possible, which I definitely did; so when I found out my bone was partially healed I was elated. Eight weeks ago it was not healed at all. Since my tibia is now partially healed, Dr. Schutt said the surgery won't be as aggressive since he thinks he can keep the rod in place. I will still have to have a bone graft, which means taking a piece of my pelvis from the iliac crest and implanting it into the area of my tibia that isn't growing back, but the recovery will be a piece of cake compared to what I went through last fall. In fact, my surgery is probably going to be out patient and worst case scenario is that I have to spend one night in the hospital! 

I'll keep you all posted as soon as I hear more! 

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