Saturday, April 7, 2012

Eve's Easter Fun

Today was the day of the children's Easter party at our church, St. John's UCC of Tylersville. I decided a couple of weeks ago that I was going to take Eve because I thought it would be a fun experience for her to play with new kids and hunt for Easter eggs. Everyone, including me, was a little nervous that she wouldn't behave for me since I haven't really had very many opportunities to take her places by myself. The afternoon started out a little rough because she didn't want to wear her trench coat over her dress, but she snapped out of it as soon as we got to the church. The church is about a 2 minute drive from where we live so her tantrum was pretty short lived... thankfully.

She had a great time! She dyed eggs, got stickers, hunted for candy-filled eggs, and then had lots of goodies and punch as a snack at the end of all the Easter fun.

Eve thoroughly enjoying her bunny-shaped cookie!

When we got home, she wanted to go up to Pap and Grandma's house so she could show Mom-Mom (Eve's name for Grandma) her pretty dress and shoes.

Striking a pose in Pappy and Mom-Mom's living room. Check out her shoes!

Pappy and Mom-Mom also told her that the Easter Bunny came and visited and he laid a bunch of eggs for her to find, so we all went outside and watched Eve hunt for her Easter eggs. The kid has amazing eyesight and she did a pretty good job finding the eggs even though Grandma hid them a lot better than she did the two previous years.

The coat that caused so many problems. Notice that she stayed in it most of the afternoon anyway.

Checkin' out all of her loot!

Here's a little video of Eve showing me all the eggs she found.

Eve was such a good girl all day. She really has grown up so much just in the past six months or so -- she is very respectful and polite and so much fun to be around! I told her I'd bring her to the Easter party next year and she's definitely looking forward to it already!

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