Monday, April 2, 2012

Monday Not-So-Funday

Ok, so I know that I shouldn't complain about Mondays since I don't have to get up and go to work... but, I had a major case of the Mondays today!

I've noticed that I'm starting to get more and more anxious and frantic now that the wedding is creeping up on me. My mom, Jordan, and Grandma have all been trying to calm me down and help me get my priorities straight -- which means remembering to eat and making sure I actually sleep at night. Maybe it is time to use the Ativan I was prescribed to use for stressful situations, haha!

I also need to start a running list of things to do for the wedding so that I don't get side tracked like I did on Saturday. Instead of just doing some light maintenance cleaning like I planned on doing, I ended up ripping everything out of my closet and completely re-organizing it. Probably a good thing in the long run... but not the best idea this past weekend. 

I got a couple of wedding-related things done today, though! So I'm feeling pretty good!

1. I FINALLY booked a place to have my rehearsal dinner. I know it's kind of last minute, but I really just assumed I could get the same place I originally booked. Unfortunately, when I called, they only had enough space for 25 people and I was definitely going to have more people than that at the rehearsal.

I ended up booking the rehearsal dinner at Duffy's Tavern in Boalsburg, which is just a 5 to 10 minute drive from State College. I love Duffy's because they have good, reasonably priced food and because it is in a cute building right in the historic part of Boalsburg.

Duffy's Tavern

2. Jordan and I went to the Clinton County court house and applied for our wedding license, AGAIN. In Pennsylvania, marriage licenses expire in 60 days and the original one we applied for expired months ago. Jordan had the day off today, so I figured we'd take advantage of it and go to Lock Haven to apply for the license and run some miscellaneous errands.

3. Started to make MORE seed bombs. Hopefully I'll get that project done this week. 

Jordan and I also worked on our garden again this afternoon and now I am beat. I'm indulging myself and watching bad TV in the form The Secret Life of the American Teenager. Such a disturbing and unrealistic show, but I can't seem to stop watching. Thankfully, Smash is on tonight, too so at least I'll balance the bad TV with something good :)

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