Thursday, April 5, 2012

Worms in Dirt & Robin's Nests

This coming Saturday, our church is having a children's Easter party. I'm bringing Jordan's niece, Eve, and I volunteered to boil some eggs for the kiddos to dye and to make some cupcakes. 

Soooo... I totally cheated and made Betty Crocker cupcakes from a box and used the pre-made frosting. My excuse is that I was really pressed for time today and I have to have them at the church by tomorrow morning. But to redeem myself, I did put a lot of effort into decorating the cupcakes! Half the cupcakes have worms in dirt on top and half have little robin's nests on them. 

They are super easy to make. For the worms in dirt, I just put a few Oreos in the food processor until it was fine, dipped the frosted cupcakes in the Oreo crumbs, and then stuck a gummy worm on top. For the robin's nest, I put a few drops of green food coloring on some sweetened coconut shreds and mixed it up, mounded the shreds up on the frosted cupcakes, and then put a few Whopper robin's eggs in the middle.

So cute!

Jordan went upstairs to lay down for a little bit since he worked for 12 hours today, and when he came down to the kitchen about an hour later he looked at me like I was nuts. The kitchen is a DISASTER! There are Oreo crumbs and green coconut shreds on every surface -- the floor, all over the counter, and the kitchen table! And now that I'm sitting at the dining room table blogging and procrastinating from cleaning my kitchen, I've noticed that the green coconut shreds have made their way in here too.

I made Eve a special cupcake to eat tonight with three gummy worms on them. Hopefully she'll like it and hopefully all the other kids at church will like them too!

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