Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Wedding Do-It-Yourselfers

Jordan woke up (really early) this morning and asked me, "Do you know what day it is?"
My groggy answer, "Uhh, I don't know."
Jordan's reply, "It's the 28th. One more month till our wedding!"

Kinda cute, huh?

I am trying not to get too excited or stressed about it because I don't want to jinx this second attempt to walk down the aisle. Jordan's aunt, Lori, and her friends have been amazing and have helped me take care of the cute little details that make a wedding special. I don't want to give too much away, but here is a little project Aunt Lori started.


And they are super cute, handmade, and homemade! She thought it would be a cute idea to have for dessert at my rehearsal dinner in lieu of having a plain, boring cake. Aunt Lori put her friends, Sandy and Sue, to work today! Sorry the pictures are kind of blurry... she is not the best photographer, especially not with her iPad (Kidding!).

Sandy and Sue hard at work with no wine. Tsk tsk.

Since Aunt Lori was hard at work trying to perfect the cake pops this afternoon while I was running around doing fun things, I got kind of inspired (or felt guilty) to start my wedding favor project that I have been putting off for about two weeks now.

Since the wedding got moved from the fall to the spring, I didn't think my caramel apple wedding favors would be appropriate, so I decided I wanted something floral or plant-ish for the spring. Well, sending all my wedding guests home with a plant or a flower is not such a bad idea in theory, but a majority of our guests will be flying or driving in from other states. So, traveling with a plant could end up being a little awkward or cumbersome. One of my best friends, Meredith, gave me the idea of seed bombs or seed paper.

A seed bomb is a little ball made up of compost/clay/paper and seeds. Seed bombing is a way to add a little life and beauty to industrial or heavily concreted areas. If you want more information about seed bombs, here is a great little article with FAQs from The Ecologist, a green living/hippie website.

I ordered a DIY seed bomb kit from a shop on Etsy called Recycled Ideas

My seed bomb lab, aka the kitchen table.

I started this project thinking it would be a piece of cake, and it definitely is; but, the it is very tedious and monotonous work so I called it quits pretty quickly. I thought I would be able to fill up a cookie sheet in no time, but you can see I didn't get very far. I think I'll wait until tomorrow night to do it when Aunt Lori comes up and I'll recruit her and Grandma to help me with it so I have some company. 

I'll post an update when I finish my project!

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