Sunday, March 18, 2012

Farm Life

Yesterday, aside from doing the tasks I set out to do (laundry, cleaning out stuff from my in-law's attic, etc.), Jordan suckered me into helping him do some of the farm work. 

Ok, so I am not opposed to doing stuff around the farm, but as the years go on, I have realized that I am most helpful when I just stay out of the way. I'm not saying I had do anything overly strenuous yesterday but it did involve this cute little Farmall H tractor:

Jordan's dad had spread manure (not as gross as you might think!) on the fields earlier in the week to get them fertilized, so Jordan had to go and pick up any large rocks that ended up in the field to avoid any flat tires or ruined farm equipment. My job was to pull the wagon along SLOWLY so that Jordan could just dump the rocks in. Here's a partial view of the farm from the field while I was sitting on the tractor:

Love living on a farm! It was a pretty big shock to my family when I told them I wanted to move to Central PA, but I think the quality of life is better and it is an awesome place to raise a family. 

So, that was my little adventure yesterday. I whined and squealed most of the time I was running the tractor, but Jordan's Pap told me I did a good job! If you don't believe me, here's the proof:

Cheesy because I was kinda posing! See my green sunglasses for St. Patty's Day? The most shocking thing about this picture is that everyone in Jordan's family said I didn't even look out of place... YIKES!

1 comment:

  1. I wanted to be the first to post a comment on your blog. Pretty sure you have a fairly unique blog potential, since there can't be too many Asian girls from a large city that move to the middle of the country on a farm with their ex-military white guy.


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