Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Spring... Has Sprung!

Happy first day of spring! It actually feels like spring on the first day of spring, too. It was kind of rainy this morning and stayed cloudy most of the day, but at least it was in the 60s.

Started my day off right and had coffee and breakfast with two of my favorites at The Corner Room in downtown State College. 

My lovely breakfast dates, Ellen and Ashley.

The Corner Room has awesome oatmeal. In fact, it is the only thing I've eaten from there. Who eats oatmeal out at a restaurant, you ask? Well, I do -- and Ellen and Ashley do too! :)

When I was driving home from town today, I noticed that a lot of people's forsythia bushes and hedges were blooming. We have three bushes on the acre we live on so when I got home, I went around back and noticed that ours were blooming too.

Our three forsythia bushes with the barn and steer in the background.

I love forsythia bushes! They are some of the first signs of spring and their bright, cheery color kind of screams "Bye, bye Winter!" 

My favorite of the three forsythia bushes on our acre.

Jordan kind of got ambitious this year and decided that he wanted to try and grow some vegetables. There is a small, but nice, garden area on our acre that we kind of let go to the wayside last year. Jordan's great uncle got it roto-tilled for us and we're going to try onions, cabbage, head lettuce, tomatoes, and maybe some potatoes and red beets. This is a huge undertaking for us because last year we only tried two tomato plants and we ended up killing them. 

I went over to the Amish green house and picked up some goodies to get our garden started. I got candy onions, great lakes lettuce, and two kinds of cabbage. 

Kind of a bad picture, but I have them sitting on our covered porch on my newly painted wicker coffee table! I closed all the windows and hopefully I get kind of a greenhouse effect. Once they are big enough, Jordan will transplant them into the garden. I'll be ecstatic if I just get a few onions, but I'm hoping that we have a successful year!

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