Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Trees on the Brain

Yesterday, my (almost) father-in-law, Jeff, told me he would like to get me and Jordan a tree as part of our wedding present. He thought it would be fun to watch the tree grow as our marriage grows. I thought it was a WONDERFUL idea. Sometimes Jeff surprises me with this sweet, mushy-gushy stuff because you would never think he could be like that. He's a big, burly guy with a deep and kind of scary voice! 

I cannot stop thinking about trees! Jeff told me I could choose whatever tree I wanted, but I have to make sure that it is a tree that will last. I originally wanted a flowering plum tree, but Grandma kind of made me shy away from that since hers have died after only a few years and she has already had to plant new ones. My thought was "a tree that dies fast = a marriage that dies fast." Bad omen, so I'm going to skip the flowering plum tree.

My cousin's husband posted this cute youtube video on my Facebook timeline since I voiced my worry about choosing a tree that dies quickly so publicly on Jordan's wall. So fitting and adorable!

Anyway, this decision is killing me since I am the most indecisive person to walk the planet, but I think I have narrowed it down to two kinds of trees: a dogwood tree or a weeping cherry tree.

Dogwood tree.

Weeping cherry tree.

Both trees have white and pink blossoms, which just makes my decision even harder. Decisions, decisions... HELP!!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm voting for the weeping cherry because the vibrant pink will bring some cheer to the bland colors of farm land. (other than pap's knitted cap).


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