Saturday, March 17, 2012

First Official Blog Post

Okay, so I'm going to consider this post my first official blog post. Jordan is kind of against this whole "blogging about my life" idea, but too bad! I need something to occupy my time. 

First of all, Happy St. Patrick's Day! This March has been unreal! It has been consistently in the 60s and 70s for about two weeks now... I can't believe it. Last March, it was still cold and snowy in PA. I've already started hanging my laundry out on the wash line and I've started about a thousand projects outside. I decided I am going to re-claim my covered porch and started by putting a fresh coat of white paint on my wicker furniture. With a little help from Jordan and a lot of help from my brother-in-law, Ryan, I got it done and now I am itching to decorate! 

It's my father-in-law's, Jeff, birthday on Sunday and the only thing he wanted was for me to clean out Jordan's baby mementos from his attic and move it into ours. Not looking forward to it and I'm already procrastinating by starting this blog. Jordan's grandmother and I are also making rueben sandwiches for supper to celebrate Jeff's birthday and St. Patrick's Day. Should be yummy!

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