Wednesday, March 28, 2012

A Little Goodie

I was going through some really old pictures I had on this laptop trying to find some shots of the barn and the creek and I found this little gem! Pap scanned it and sent it to me probably five years ago.

September 2, 1982 - Jordan eating an apple and sitting on the cart with Pap.

Jordan was barely over not even a year old in this picture! He spent a lot of time out on the farm and in the woods with Pap when he was growing up. I never got to know or spend very much time with either of my grandfather's the way Jordan got to. I know Jordan has a lot of love and respect for Pap, even though sometimes he doesn't act like it. Some of my favorite characteristics about Jordan he got directly from Pap. 

If Jordan ever tries to tell you he's not blonde, remind him that this picture exists!

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