Monday, March 19, 2012

A Mountain to Climb

Last fall, I was in a horrible car accident a week before our wedding that broke both my femurs, my right tibia and fibula, cracked a rib, and punctured a lung. It was the scariest and most painful thing I have ever experienced, but going through it made me a more positive and faithful person.

Well, fast forward to today... I'm still on disability because my right tibia isn't growing, my surgeon won't let me go back to work and there is a huge possibility that I will have to go in for more surgery to repair the area that isn't growing back. Going from working over 40 hours a week to essentially being a stay at home (almost) wife took a lot of adjusting, especially now that I can actually walk and get around fairly well. I keep trying to find ways to make the boring days go by faster, and since it is so sunny and beautiful out so early in the year, I decided I was going to re-mulch my flower beds. 

Jordan and I woke up super early and went and picked up mulch from a local landfill before he had to go into work. We got a MOUNTAINOUS pile for less than $40 and it's just sitting on my lawn waiting to be used.

I put a little dent in it while Jordan was at work, but trying to do yard work on a broken leg is pretty rough. I fell trying to push a wheel barrow, so I have to be extra careful and not load it so that it is heavier than I can handle. I'm hoping I can finish this project by the end of this week and post some pictures. 

Being at home all day and trying to recuperate is so frustrating and terribly boring. My last doctor's appointment was in February and when he broke the news that my tibia wasn't growing I was pretty hysterical. It is terrifying knowing that there is a huge chance I will have to go in for more surgery. It's one thing to go into surgery while you're sedated... but it's a whole different ballpark when you knowingly go into it. I have this phobia of being put under, but I guess I gotta do what I gotta do to get better. 

I have good days and bad days dealing with my leg. The worst part of it all is the anxiety of not knowing whether the bone is growing or not. We keep hoping and praying that it is growing in, so fingers crossed all is well when I go back to see my surgeon in  April. 

1 comment:

  1. You should have taken pictures from the finished part! Also, no wheeling around tomorrow. It may rain a bit but more importantly, you need to give your legs a rest. There will be plenty of nice days yet to finish it all off.


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