Monday, March 26, 2012

The "Tulip Bush"

I have been trying to stay inside the past couple of days because my allergies are out of control. My eyes are puffy and watery, I have an itchy throat, I can't stop sneezing and I have gone through two boxes of Kleenex this past weekend alone. I don't remember the last time they were this bad because I usually nip it in the bud and start taking Claritin once springtime comes, but everything started blooming so early this year. I started taking Benadryl and Claritin, and they are BARELY working! UGH! 

Jordan requested that I post a picture of our "tulip bush" on my blog because it is already blooming and it looks beautiful, so I ventured outside this afternoon and snapped a couple of pictures.

So pretty!!!

Last year, I didn't know what the "tulip bush" was until Grandma told me, but after I started doing some research about possible trees I wanted to get, I found out that our "tulip bush" is also called a Magnolia tree, so now I'm not sure what it's correct name is. Either way, it is a beautiful tree and I'm really glad we have it. It is supposed to get down in the 20s tonight, and I'm keeping my fingers and toes crossed that the blossoms on the tree don't die.

Still trying to figure out what kind of tree I want to get. I think I have to make a phone call to a landscaper to get a little more advice. Also, I don't really want to get my tree from Lowe's and there are not many tree nursery's around here so maybe contacting a landscaper is the way to go.


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