Monday, March 26, 2012

Spotlight Thief!

Here's a little wedding preview. Jordan's niece, Eve, is one of our flower girls. Our other one is my cousin's pretty daughter, Ella; but, unfortunately, I don't have a picture of her in her dress.

We love this little girl! How could you not? She is perfection! Getting her into her flower girl dress has been a long time coming. She is such a little baby doll, but she does NOT like dresses -- she would rather be in jeans and a t-shirt! She is definitely her mother's child. When she first saw her flower girl dress, she bawled and threw a fit when we tried to put it on her. I worked on it a bit by shortening it and changing the sash out from ivory to purple and she ended up liking it because now it was a "little dress." 

This past weekend she came up to Pap and Grandma's, picked all of Grandma's hyacinths, put them in a basket, and practiced being a flower girl. She was even looking for her dress, so I went and got it and put it on her. I snapped this picture of her while she was staring at herself in the mirror. I took her to pick out a head band and she picked one for her and Ella that has a purple flower on it. She said she picked it because it matched the bow on her dress! Maybe one day I'll make a girl out of her. Who knows...?!?!

Anyway, I know that my flower girls will steal the show from me at my own wedding but I am 100% okay with it :)

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